Publicly Accessible Forms & Documents

Plant Table Forms

If you are bringing plants in for the plant table it's really helpful if you can download these and fill them out on your computer and print them out when you come in. It makes identifying the plants much easier. We're not saying that everyone has penmanship like a physician, however, sometimes it makes for some good puzzles. It also keeps us from having to pull tags from picking up your plants and pulling tags.

Plant Table Form - PDF Format

Plant Table Form - Word Format

Gary Baker Service Award Nomination Forms

Gary Baker was a long term member of the Northwest Orchid Society. As with another member of our society, Rebeca Northen, Gary has contributed significantly to the orchid world. Gary was a hybridizer with the Beall Orchid Company for decades where he produced many famous crosses, some of which are foundations of orchids still in production today.

This award is given annually to the person who has contributed the most to the overall goals of the society in the prior year. The recipient is selected by the board from nominations made by the general membership. Honorees are presented with a crystal perpetual trophy engraved with their name. At this time the society solicits nominations from the general membership. If you have someone that you would like to nominate for

service during the past year, please fill out one of the following forms and return it to our second vice president.

Gary Baker Service Award Nomination Form - PDF Format

Gary Baker Service Award Nomination Form - Word Format

NWOS Auction Forms

Members may bring up to five plants to auction off (NWOS takes a 20% commission) and as many as you wish for a 100% donation to the Society.

If you want to bring more than five plants in the 80/20% category, put them on a donation portion of the auction sheet and they will be auctioned after all the other plants are gone. The annual auction is the only source of funding for the Library, UW Greenhouse and Zoo funds. The Scholarship Fund is funded by the Auction and the raffles held at most meetings.
The General Fund is funded by all sources of income including the Auction, Membership Dues, Plant Sales, NWF&G Festival exhibit proceeds, etc.
The Library Fund is used to purchase items for the NWOS Library.
The UW Greenhouse Fund is used by the U.W. Botany Greenhouse to purchase Species Orchids.
The Zoo Fund is used by the Woodland Park Zoo Greenhouse to purchase Orchids.
The Scholarship Fund is used each year for a college student working on an Orchid related project.
The General Fund covers everything else, from the programs to the everyday working of your society.

NWOS Auction Form - PDF Format

NWOS Auction Form - Excel Format

The Center for Urban Horticulture AV Setup Instructions

Light Controls

To the right of the door to the equipment room is a wall panel with this on it. To adjust the cove or indirect lighting above the speaker which is helpful when displaying on the screen at the front of the room, use the lighted button with "C-Cove" on it. Depress the button to attenuate or increase the light levels for only above the screen with the cove lighting. Depressing continuously will be a loop of command so that if you depress the light level will repeatedly increase and decrease instead of just one direction.

AV Setup for Zoom with Laptop
